Software IUSYS e duas cabeças de costura Juki

IUSYS Industry 4.0

✔ Reading and estimating production in real time

✔ Operator ranking

✔ Action plans for greater efficiency

✔ Preventive maintenance of equipment 

Cabeça de costura Juki

High quality

✔ Quilting up to 100mm, no pleats

✔ Combination of more delicate and complex materials

✔ Perfectly aligned and precise worktops

✔ Representation of designs on the quilt as idealized

Tampos acolchoados, remalhados e empilhados por um equipamento IUSYS

High Productivity

✔ Overcoming the mark of 30 tops/h

✔ 3500RPM achieved by two high-performance JUKI heads

✔ Adaptation to new market trends, without production loss

Why is IUSYS is the IUSYS?

Cabeças de costura Juki


Excellent panel even with 100 mm height

Equipamento IUSYS a remalhar com uma cabeça de costura Juki

Cutting and Laterally Sewing

Side hemming with precise and aligned seams

Equipamento IUSYS a cortar um tampo com uma máquina de costura Juki

Cutting and Crosswise Sewing

Crosswise hemming with zero waste between top panels

Tampo remalhado a ser cortado com máquina de costura Juki

High Productivity

Effective production of mattress, day after day

Tampos acolchoados, remalhados e empilhados por um equipamento IUSYS


Perfect alignment between the quilting and cutting and sewing

Colchão enrolado com um equipamento IUSYS


Packing, compacting, folding and rolling, allowing up to 500 mattresses to be produced per shift (8h)

Free IUSYS Panel

Receive a Free IUSYS Mattress Panel

Experience +20% efficiency in closing each mattress.

Prove in your assembly line, the quality, ease and speed that an IUSYS mattress panel brings to your production.

Be sure to ask for yours!

I want to receive an mattress panel

Tampo acolchoado e remalhado IUSYS

Featured Machinery

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Máquina de Acolchoar de Duas Cabeças Juki

IUSYS 421a

Mattress Quilting Machine

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Máquina de Empilhar Tampos IUSYS


Mattress Top Panel Stacker

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Máquina de Embalar, Comprimir, Dobrar e Enrolar Colchão IUSYS


Automatic Mattress Wrapping, Compressing, Folding and Rolling Machine

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Máquina de Acolchoar Multiagulhas com Software IUSYS


Mattress Multi-Needle Quilting Machine

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Máquina de Remalhar e Cortar IUSYS


Mattress Hemming Machine

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IUSYS training: Treino online/presencial

IUSYS Training​ 

Online / face-to-face training: “Tips and tricks to pad more and better”

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Parceiro Igus
Parceiro Juki
Parceiro Omron
Parceiro Siemens
Parceiro Weidmuller

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